More than 50 years of experience

From the beginning, we have supported and are strongly committed to the fishing communities of the Ebro Delta. They are responsible for supplying us with the best quality goods for our business, either live, fresh or elaborated.

Today, after 3 generations and more than 60 years’ experience we can say that Roset is a company known all over Europe and a specialist in transporting live goods and in the processing and sales of Eels and Elvers.

Depending on its’ size and origin, each type of Eel has different gastronomic possibilities. For this reason, here at Roset we receive and stock live produce and select each batch of specimens to enable us to continue providing the best service and the best quality to meet our customers’ needs.



We offer a wide range of Eel products ranging from live eels to pre-cooked products.


We receive daily deliveries of Glass eels from the Ebro Delta Fishermen. Always supplied on demand, our product is prepared to clients requirements and always hand prepared.


Selection of hand-prepared products of the highest quality and with the Roset guarantee.